Guru Review Little Pickle's Mum : Baby Wrap
Posted on 13th June 2017

I’ve mentioned it a million times before, but I’m a terrible creature of habit. If something works, it works. Why change it? And that’s exactly how I feel about Splash About. We’ve been using their swimming pants since Pickle was three weeks old, and we’re starting to build a little collection of them that chart his rapid growth! I was over the moon excited when I got the email to let me know I’d been selected to be one of their Splash About Gurus, and it was perfect timing that we got the news just before our break to Bluestone, giving us the perfect opportunity to test out their Splash About BabyWrap wetsuit.

Now, I was no stranger to a Splash About BabyWrap wetsuit, as wonderfully, the swimming lessons we take him to have a little stash that you can borrow for the session if the pool is a little cold. Buying one was on my pre-holiday list as I already knew how much happier Pickle is in the water when he’s warmer. In fact, the difference is quite staggering. What I particularly love about the Splash About ones compared to some of the other designs I’ve seen at swimming is that they’re pretty easy to get on (and off!). The wrap is like one big envelope that opens completely flat, and it just velcros up along the bottom and the middle, with two straps over the shoulders. Anyone who’s tried to wrestle a baby into their swimming get up will appreciate how easy it is! The perfect choice for wriggling babies and toddlers on the move.

As it turns out, we didn’t need to worry about the temperature of the pool at Bluestone as it was beautifully warm, but knowing he had that extra layer of warmth just meant I didn’t have to worry about limiting our time in the water or being in a rush to get out.
The only thing I noticed after our week of daily swimming was that the skin on Pickle’s tummy started to get a bit dry in patches. It didn’t look sore but it was very noticeable. I wasn’t sure if it was just a result of the number of times we went swimming that week or if the wrapsuit was exacerbating it but when I was at the Baby Show last month, I checked with the skincare expert on the Johnson’s stand. She told me that the chlorine in swimming pools can have a big drying effect on delicate baby skin and that the best way to combat it is to properly wash off the swimming pool water after each swim and lather up with a baby-friendly moisturiser. I’ve been doing that ever since and it’s already made a massive difference – phew.

More than anything, having the Splash About BabyWrap wetsuit just gives me peace of mind, and allows us both to just focus on having fun in the water and learning lots of new things. I’ve seen a huge surge in his confidence since we’ve had the wetsuit and he can now pull himself out of the pool onto the side, is happy to lean forward and flop himself into the water and definitely enjoys splashing around more! It could just be a coincidence, but I’m very happy to put it down to feeling more comfortable and warm in the water. I kind of wish we’d thought to buy one sooner, really. Thank you Splash About, once again!
Featured Products:
Baby Wrap Vintage Moby
New Improved Happy Nappy Vintage Moby
We actually got told off whilst taking this photo! Hence LPD looking over his shoulder at the lifeguard and Pickle’s startled expression. I didn’t realise we actually weren’t allowed to take photos in the pool… but I figure this one is okay to share as there aren’t any other swimmers in view.