Calling all Swim Gurus
Posted on 16th January 2018

Calling all Swim Gurus
Last year saw the start of our extremely successful Guru program where you and your babies become part of the Splash team for a whole swim term. And what a great team they made. Our Guru’s literally threw themselves in at the deep end and got involved in testing, reviewing and trialling all sorts of Splash About products and we could not be more grateful for the fantastic contribution they all made.
So thank you Gurus!
NEW Splash Gurus 2018:
It’s now time to find our new Gurus to join the Splash Lab team. In return for your help in testing products; reviewing products, choosing products, sharing products and images on your social media and generally being completely helpful, we will pay for the cost of a whole terms worth of swimming lessons with a local provider and in addition you will get lots of new Splash About products free for your child.
So if you think you have what it takes; you can write a great review, you love trying out new products, and more importantly have a baby aged between 0-2 years old then we want to hear from you!
To enter:
All you need to do is write a 50-100 word paragraph about yourself, your family and why you think you would make a fantastic Splash Guru.
Send your entry paragraph to [email protected] with the subject header Splash Guru 2018 entry.
Submissions end on 31st January 2018. We will announce the 8 winners on our social media pages shortly after.
If we select you as one of the 8 final Gurus we will need you to provide at least 3-4 Splash About product reviews (including pictures) and to share your Splash Guru experience on your social media pages (don’t forget to tag us in too).
We had a fantastic turnout last year and we can’t wait to meet the Splash Gurus of 2018!

Images from last year's gurus