Holiday Packing, Fitting it all in?
Posted on 10th June 2015

We are now getting to the business end of summer, its jam-packed full of school sports days and trips, yes even those at pre school get the annual egg and spoon treatment. Then, just as you are beginning to flag under the weight of trying to remember what summer event comes next in the diary, its break up time and for those lucky enough it’s a dash to the check in desk at the nearest airport. Summer holidays are round the corner; they will be here before you know it.
So avoid the “last minute sitting on suitcase to get it closed chaos” and organize what to pack ahead of time. If you can, get the kids stuff packed away and don’t open it again until you land!
With the dreaded weight restrictions on suitcases it’s even harder to pack what you need vs what you simply must take because it looks great on. Pre kids, you packed at least 4 pairs of shoes (as a minimum) you are now down to a pair of flip flops, 200 disposable nappies and a stuffed Peppa Pig (can’t leave home without it) and forget all about the kids swim gear, no way its all going to fit in.
It pays to be organized and it pays to be smart, so here’s our guide to leaving enough space for yourself and still taking all that bulky swim gear you need for the kids.
Floatation and UV
Pool sense and sun sense are vital, so it’s a good idea to double up if you can. Our UV FloatSuits, provide buoyancy in the pool AND provide all over protection from the sun. For babies, little boys and little girls this time and space saver means packing less clothes! As they can wear them all day. Then simply rinse and hang out to dry for the next day.
SPACE SAVER TIP: remove all the lightweight floats from the suit and simply slot them around the sides of the case before you close the lid. They are so lightweight that they weigh less than a pair of shorts! Then simply roll up the UV suit and pack as normal.

Just pack a couple of days worth, really it’s not worth packaging two weeks worth of disposables! Nappies can be bought locally. Swim nappies are another matter though. Be responsible, we all know paper nappies don’t keep “poo” out of pools so do everyone a favour and pop in a Happy Nappy to wear over the top. You will be spending a lot more time in the water than normal so the chances of an accident are far greater and there is nothing more embarrassing than a poo leak from your own child.
SPACE SAVER TIP: Buy when you get there.
Hats, costumes and clothes
A good selection of mix and match swim and play clothing is a must. This year we have designed a fantastic range with ease of use and luxury in mind. Look at the new ranges in Holiday Shop. These were designed to be fast dry, no iron and easy to roll and pack, we even included a range of Splash hats which are made from the same quick dry fabric. Because they never need ironing, each item can be rolled into the smallest parcel ready to pack down the sides of the suitcase taking up hardly any room at all.
SPACE SAVER TIP: Avoid taking more than one warm piece of clothing for the kids. If you are headed out to summer sun you really won’t need that extra layer, leave it at home, even though it’s tempting to pack “just in case"
Toys and water accessories
Unless you really and I mean REALLY have to take them leave them at home! Even the inflatable ones weigh more than they are worth. The best way to get your hands on great water entertainment is ask at your hotel if they have any that have been left behind by previous guests! If that fails then local beach stores usually have a great local supply at good prices. You will of course have to leave these behind but its cheaper than paying extra luggage charges!
SPACE SAVER TIP: If you have booked a seat for your child it means they can have their own hand luggage, make sure you use this allocation. Put all “I can’t sleep without” toys and a change of clothes just in case in here. There may also be room for your hair straighteners as well as a 2 week supply of snacks.
Baby Milk formula
You don’t always have to take your own, many popular resorts have UK brands of milk available in local stores, as well as Marmite, Heinz baked beans and Tampax! (My family is eclectic) Give the hotel a call and ask to speak to your rep, they will be able to tell you if your brand is stocked. If you are staying in a Villa or apartment check if you can send a parcel in advance and post your milk supply on ahead.
SPACE SAVER TIP: If you have to take milk with you, take the powdered variety (yes I know its more of a faff) but you will get more in the case!
One day your suitcase will be your own again, but until then, baby and kids will take up 75% of your baggage allowance, this is annoying. Our packing tips may mean you can fit in an extra pair of sandals as well as the flip flops, but taking a daily change of costume and matching sarong are a thing of the past for the next 15 years! Trust me. So look ahead to the Sangria and wet wipes, summer is finally here.